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No Big Crunch

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2022 7:17 pm
by webmaster
There is not enough matter in the universe to enable gravity to halt the expansion of the universe and send the universe contracting into The Big Crunch. The isotropy (in whatever direction you look the results of your measurements will be the same) and homogeneity (wherever you stand the results of your measurements will be the same) of space, along with our knowledge that anti-matter exists, indicate to us that if there is not to be a Big Crunch then there was no Big Bang. The isotropy and homogeneity of space indicate that we cannot locate any central position within the universe. Every location in space is identical. The existence of anti-matter indicates that an inverse of our observable world exists. This inverse has the property that time flows in the opposite direction to what we observe. If our observable world continues expanding forever. The inverse of our observable world continues contracting forever. Since it has no Big Crunch our observable world had no Big Bang. Both have always existed and have remained within a state of flux and balance. :P